Garrett is working on his Eagle Scout project. This is another "Scouting" experience that me, as a non-scouting mother, is amazed my boys choose to participate in. It is fun to see them set these goals and work towards acheiving them. This is the letter that he has sent out to our neighborhood. A similar one will be going out to businesses, hospitals, etc. Anyone wanting to help would be great!! (This is quite overwhelming for me as his mom!)I think that it is a great idea and he came up with it. No help from me.
for Garrett Harris
I am doing a three part safety project for my eagle scout.
Part 1: How keeping your outside lights on during the night reduces crime in our neighborhood. (More information to come on this)
Part 2: 72 hour basic First Aid Kits for our Ward. I will be putting together 106 first aid kits for our ward. I would appreciate any donations of supplies or money to accomplish this. Basic items for 1st Aid Kits may include the following as suggestions:bandaids, alcohol wipes, neosporin, burn free, triangular bandages, thermomoters, tweezers. scissors, matches, etc. I will need these donations by August 7,2008. If you choose to donate money, please make checks payable to me. I thank you in advance for this and will deliver the kits by no later than Sept. 30,2008.
Part 3: It is important to have our addresses on our mailbox in case of an emergency. I think that it would cut the time it takes for police, ambulance, etc, to find our homes. I am offering to put your address on it with your choice of white or black vinyl. Please let me know if you are interested in this, the color you want and your address by August 7, 2008. Thank you for helping me achieve my goal in becoming an Eagle Scout.
Garrett Harris
WTG Garrett, I think this is a great idea, will totally help ya.
What a great idea. I'd love to donate some things for the 72 hour kits. I'll be in touch!
Great idea for an Eagle Scout Project - let us know how we can help!
What the heck! Your kids are growing up so darn fast!!! I miss you guys! Love ya tons!!! Chanda
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