Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Big Black Bag!!

So, I was told that I expect to much of my kids and that they have to many chores. Needless to say, I let Mike take over as the "chore master". The kids don't take him very seriously, and today they had all gone to play with friends....That was after they had done their chores. One was supposed to clean the bathroom, one to clean out the Fridge (better known as the Science Project), one fold clothes, and one vacuum the living room and family room. I opened the fridge to get a drink and there were still projects growing that would have for sure earned a "A". None of the other chores were done either. I of course blew a gasket and didn't hold my temper very well, or should I say at all. I started cleaning like a mad woman and before I was finished, everyone was pouting and bawling their cute little heads off. The best part of it was when the "BIG BLACK GARBAGE" appeared and everything that was not put away ended up in the bag. it only took 4 super big contractor bags, one which was so full it ripped. Let me remind you of how strong these bags are. They are something like 6 mil or something. You can throw everything from a construction site in them, but don't under estimate the power of a mad woman. I really did rip a couple of them. Everything in them is now mine and if they don't tick me off anymore, maybe they can earn some things back. Mike did remind them that they were lucky that I had done it this way, he threw everything on the front lawn last time he cleaned their rooms. If any of you need me to come and bring the big black bags over and show you how fun it is, let me know. I am a pro!!! By the way, I may have some super deals for a yard sell. Maybe I could buy some more bags with the profits!!!


Jodi said...

Sounds like something I would do (and have done before) when my fuse is short! I'm going through the same struggle everyday...I try to get them to just pick up after themselves and it's like pulling out their two front teeth! Let me know if the bag works - I may have to try it again!

Nikki said...

Ok seriously..come on over with your My two oldest drive me crazy with their room. I think its just a home for spiders. I always have clean clothes show up in the laundry room...grrr children!! LOL

Jen said...

Cody, Im laughing so hard right now. I know it wasn't funny at the time. I can just see you all ticked going around with your black bags :) Im sure one day I will need you to come over with those bags. The joy of cleaning up after people. Miss you!

Amy said...

hee hee hee, I am laughing soooo hard right now! But honestly, you may need to bring me some big black bags when you come to visit!!! I am about to my breaking point!

Love ya!

Brandee Lloyd said...

I am rolling right now. That is the funniest post because I can just picture you doing it. You made my day!

Tiffany said...

You crack me up. My mom did that something like that, she made a bag and it was "Moms Goodie Sac" well everynight she would go through the house and if our stuff was out then she would snatch it. We could not get it out for 2 weeks, plus model behavior and allowance. It totally sucked. But hey I love it

The Church house said...

I am so glad that you clarified what the "Big Black Bag" was. JK!!!. Motherhood - It is all Good - Just some days are better than others. Keep Smiling! Love Ya. BTW. You've been tagged.

The Gammell's said...

okay Cody, I think that is hilarious. Something I would totally do. It's fun to see how big yours kids are. They are growing up so fast. Very Fun...

the girl who knew nothing said...

I remember you telling me about your mad cleaning sprees at work, so I am laughing so hard. Is two too young to start the black bag therapy?

the girl who knew nothing said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I went private so you'll have to email me your email so I can send you an invite at!